/* NERDPRESS编辑以使FacetWP显示过滤器按钮仅显示在移动设备上|PC |2022年4月19日*/ @Media(最小宽:780px){.facetwp-flyout-open {display:none;}} @media(max-width:780px){#cookd-facet-1 {display:none;}} @media(max-width:780px){#cookd-facet-2 {display:none;}} @media(max-width:780px){#cookd-facet-3 {display:none;}} / *由nerdpress的jamison添加到更改标头 * / .cp_style_36036#cp_button-4-36036 {top:3.2px!} .cp_style_36036#cp_email-4-36036 {top:4px!} h1,h2,h3 {text-transform:uppercase;} h1.entry-title {font-size:34px; } h2.entry-title{ font-size:30px; } h2{ font-size:30px; } .home.simple-grid.one-third .entry-title, .simple-grid.one-fourth .entry-title, .simple-grid.one-sixth .entry-title{ font-weight:bold; } /*end of what Jamison Added */ /* Added by Susan @ Feast Design Co. * ----------------------------------------- */ /* Change Link colors * ----------------------------------------- */ .entry-content a { color: #008080; text-decoration: underline; } a { color: #008080; } /* Site Header & Search widget ----------------------------------------- */ .header-image .site-header .widget-area { padding: 0px 0; 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